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Sunday, July 22, 2012

James Connolly Education Trust

James Connolly Education Trust: We in this country remember April 1916 as a time of no mean significance; indeed the first few months of this year have been consumed with debates over the legacy of the 1916 Easter Rising and the Proclamation of the Irish Republic. While it is understandable, given that this is the ninetieth anniversary of the Rising, that we should be consumed with our own parochial history, it is also worth remembering that April 1916 witnessed the publication of another significant document, indeed arguably one of far greater significance in the grand scheme of things. Published in the aftermath of the implosion of the Second International and in the midst of the bloody carnage of the First Imperialist World War, Rosa Luxemburg’s “Junius” pamphlet confronted its readers with the stark choice, for want of a better term, between socialism and the advancement of the human race, or "barbarism" and the steady slide into oblivion.?

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