Saturday, December 26, 2009

Public Inquiry · Corruption? Not in Ireland

Public Inquiry · Corruption? Not in Ireland: "God played a big part in irish society for a very very long time does that mean we can blame him for all thats wrong in irish society today?What is the purpose of gods image having a “SOCIAL”meaning in this so called modern world,or sean haughey for that matter when he opened a combat poverty agency conference,one observer is quoted as saying”He was speaking,though presumably not from "personal experiance",on the theme of”SOCIAL DISADVANTAGE”."

1 comment:

  1. Despite walking into a Garda station in Rathmines, Dublin, eight years ago to report alleged offences under the Central Bank Act, he said he has never heard anything back after being told the complaint was passed to the fraud squad.

    Mr Sugarman told the Oireachtas Finance Committee it was the "harsh fact of the matter that official Ireland has absolutely and completely destroyed the lives of every single whistle-blower" regardless of which organ of the state was exposed.
